Blueprint Branding with Soul
The Blueprint Branding with Soul is your guide to DIY your soulful branding journey!
I’ve taken allll of my years & knowledge of being an Energy Brand Designer and Strategist and put it into this self study program for those who want to build their champagne brand on a limited budget.
This program is designed for you to easily take control & build your beautiful brand from an experts level!
**YES, your Brand is so much more than just a logo and pretty colors; there are a ton of elements that support it! **
Energy Healing Sessions

Hear the magic for yourself:
what is energy healing?
Energy Healing is based on the understanding that the human energy field is a dynamic system of powerful influences, in a unique relationship to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Our body functions and is powered by energy. Our heart beats using energy pulses. Our brain and nervous system communicate with our entire body through complex energetic pathways. Our human energy field is constantly reacting to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our field is constantly reacting to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our body.
This type of Energy Healing works not only in the first set of seven chakras, but into the second through seventh set of chakras and beyond. It also focuses on the energy field (aura) that surrounds our bodies, organs, and individual cells. My sessions are super in-depth & address blockages and open the natural channels of our being at a high vibrational level, so mind, body, and spirit are functioning together optimally. The body can then work to reverse dysfunction and disease through its natural ability to heal itself.
My work is contactless and therefore includes accessing an energetic “hologram” (vibrational representation) of the physical body. This acts as a matrix precisely connecting the energies of the outer levels of the field with the physical body on a cellular level.
Everyone can benefit from Energy Healing. Whether you have been diagnosed with a physical disease or are experiencing physical discomfort, are struggling with mental or emotional difficulties, or are looking to bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment, you can benefit from this service. Energy Healing opens you up to a deeper sense of ease, well-being, and purpose, and brings you back to your true self.
Energy Healing is supportive for patients in all phases of traditional medical care and treatment. It is effective as an independent therapy and is also extremely successful as an adjunct therapy to traditional healthcare.
There are many different types of energy healing but I hope the gist of this covered what you desire to understand about the intuitive energy healing concept.
I have been practicing energy healing for the last 5 years & my work has taken me to experience all different types of situations & many “abnormal” (to the general population), circumstances to assist in bringing light & healing into heal my patients/clients energy field so that they can begin to release & receive what is for them in the highest capacity of this life’s journey.

Number of Happy
Healing Clients
number of
healing certifications
number of healings
performed per week
cups of
coffee per day
quick book links:
Choose from the options below to be brought to the quick book link! Quick Book Sessions encompass all energy sessions types, I tune into your unique energy and will focus/work on what ever is coming up in the moment for you, if you have any specific intentions you'd like me to focus on during this session be sure to put it in the booking notes that are available to you upon booking your session!

Single Energy Healing Session
Perfect for the occasional energy healing sessions... book as often as you'd like at your own time. These sessions are 100% unique to custom to what you need for healing in the moment. After each session a healing report will be emailed to you so you are aware of what we worked on and how to best integrate your healing for maximum results.
60min | $79

Whether you are going through an intense period of your life where you could use the extra support in keeping your energy field clear, you you just simple like to keep a healthy and high vibrational lifestyle, A popular option now made available to you is my bi-weekly healing subscription.

In this session, you not only get 1 but 2 very powerful and loving healers working on you, your energy, blockages, and cleansing high vibrational light throughout your mind, body, and soul! Both Molly & Avery have performed energy healing on clients together for over a year and the results are astounding!
120 min| $249
see for yourself: session follow ups
Specific Healing Sessions:
Session types change as my compatibility to certain energy changes, I will never offer a healing that I can not fully give. This makes my sessions more powerful and divine as the energy healing & activations is only given to limited number of times.
Expect to receive more out of your sessions than ever before.
There are two signature session types that will always be there, but the other 2 types of sessions change periodically, so spaces are limited and experiences are even more amazing!
Mind, Body, Soul Healing
In this beautiful 8 layers of the energetic self and 7 chakra alignment healing. We will be connecting and cleansing each and every layer for your highest experience... sometimes these layers become clotted with stagnate energy creating physical aliments. It's time to peel back the layers of the onion with ease and healing,
Divine Masc./Fem Healing
Focusing on connecting and healing your Shakti energy, these sessions range from womb healing to divine feminine balancing. Healing and releasing the lower feminine wounds and creating space for the divine feminine to arise in her sacred power and spiritual flow
Creative Crown Activation
Ready to receive more of those amazing innovative downloads/thoughts that transform your way of thinking and reality around you?! The Crown Chakra as known as “the bridge to the cosmos.” Is responsible for experiencing the center of spirit, enlightenment, wisdom, universal consciousness, and connection to higher guidance