Blueprint Branding with Soul
The Blueprint Branding with Soul is your guide to DIY your soulful branding journey!
I’ve taken allll of my years & knowledge of being an Energy Brand Designer and Strategist and put it into this self study program for those who want to build their champagne brand on a limited budget.
This program is designed for you to easily take control & build your beautiful brand from an experts level!
**YES, your Brand is so much more than just a logo and pretty colors; there are a ton of elements that support it! **
& step into you!
a safe & sacred space created just for you... to hold for you, honor you, guide you, and bring you in to the highest version of self waiting for you. Shine Through is a place where it is completely okay not to be 100% okay, to show up with all of who you are whether that be a hot mess, an over giver, overachiever or someone who pours into anyone else yet neglects to fill themselves up with the same energy they give out. Shine through is here for you to experience an amazing one of a kind, something never seen before in the world through soul-filled infusion of complete 1:1 Customized Coaching + Mastermind Environment all in one space with the most abundantly supportive intentions for you to receive so much in a sacred inner circle focused on identifying, shifting, and releasing stories, programming, ways of operating and living from that we recognize no longer serve our highest experience in this life.
It's your turn to honor yourself, you are so worthy of living your life from the highest resonance of joy, love, and authentic happiness from with in, shining throughout & I can't wait to show you how!

why shine through, why now?
Listen babe, I can't let you continue reading all about Shine Through and how amazing it is going to be without letting you know WHY, why I am so passionate about all the souls stepping into this container and the divine experiences about to be had!
It's because I have been exactly where you are right now, reading through this, longing, wishing, and hoping for a safe and supportive container to explore what it's like to operate and live my life from the most aligned experience meant for me... & let me tell you, I haven't had an easy breezy life, but also full transparency... If this same exact journey that I am about to hold space and guide you through, if it's possible for me to full awaken, step into and shine through all my last 27 years of deep rooted wiring, to now be standing here not only 4 months into my shine through experience, it is so possible for you to experience the same divine alignment in the same amount of time.
Watch In-depth About My Own Personal Experience
What would your life look like if you just dedicated 4 months to your own experience?!

shine through is created for those who...
This is YOUR SIGN:THIS IS so for you!
✦ Know you have the strength & power within, yet don't quite know how to reach for it, grab it, and embody it!
✦ Know that your reality is not in alignment with your dreams and desires, and feeling stuck without the guidance of how to step into the version of you, you desire.
✦ You desire to shift your life into one that supports their highest joys and live from a place that fills them up fully.
✦ Need and want support in "how to" transform into someone who gives without feeling drained, honors herself, and has strong boundaries.
✦ Knowing are ready to shine through the stories and programming that no longer serves them
✦ Are physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted from not living their truth and constantly dimming light
✦ Know they have the strength & power within, yet don't quite know how to reach for it, grab it, and embody it!
✦ Know they have the strength & power within, yet don't quite know how to reach for it, grab it, and embody it!
✦ Know they have the strength & power within, yet don't quite know how to reach for it, grab it, and embody it!

6 weeks
1:1 coach + mastermind
once per week
When you're

What does this mean for you?!
When you show up in this container you are fully accountable for your own growth, your own journey, and have the opportunity to gain new soul family members as well as share your innate gifts for everyone else to receive your divine light!
It also means you are full priority in this amazing safe and sacred container to share your struggles, your burdens and be held ever so supportively by me; as your intuitive and soul centered coach. It is my honor and responsibility to set up the most healing and transformative space for you to purge the old and step into embracing the new you through your light, keeping you accountable in the most loving ways, and making the energy that you have been craving to receive shine through into you!
Mastermind Soul Infused Coaching
Allow Receiving to be your new "norm"
Experience a sacred container like never before...
Be it Spiritual Coaching, Life Coaching, Energy Coaching or even Intuitive Business Coaching! You get to design how you want to be supported and receive deep 1:1 soul-led coaching every single week for 6 weeks together.
for the last 7 years I have been connecting and guiding souls in life alignment, higherself integration, business "purpose to profit", connecting them with their souls highest path of existence, teaching them how to connect with their own source and tap into their magical divine gifts, to figuring out life and how to navigate in the most supportive ways.
✘ Weekly 75 minute calls
✘ Customized sessions
✘ Personalized outline to support your highest outcome
✘ Accountability & Prompts
✘ Unlimited Communication access Text, Voxer, FB Messager, etc.
(VALUED $3,333)
This is YOUR place, a place for Showing up, Sharing from your soul, engaging with others, discussions, receiving value, adding value, partaking in soul awakening lessons and integrative trainings!
A sacred space of safety, of support and guidance held for you.
The community is not like other communities and I’m sure the 200 incredible humans in there can already tell it’s special. In this Mastermind container you will receiev:
✘ Daily flows
✘Weekly trainings
✘Weekly meet ups
✘ A library full of meditations, workbooks, lessons, support,
It's all up to you on how much you show up in this space, this is your Shine Through Journey ....you the more you interact, the more you benefit from stepping into your highest potential and Shining Through from within throughout!
(VALUED $3,200)
It is my honor and high enjoy to serve you in the following ways
Learn Your Attachment Theory Style
Your Old vs New Ways of Operating
Hidden Stories & Deep Seeded Programs in Your Subconscious
Supportive Energy Healing Practices
Attuning You to Your Highest Self
Learning Somatic Healing Practices
Intuition Activating & Training
Awareness Expansions & Timeline Therapy
Energetic Investment
When you release the fear and resistance and make the choice to lean into your truth, you Invest in getting what you want out of life; instead of what you do not want in your life. This Energetic Investment is purely for you, to quantum leap you and connect you to your highest timeline.
bi-weekly $300 | monthly $444 | one time $888
Finding Safety in Self + Security from Within
Discovery of Foundational Self Design
Stepping into Her
WEEK 2-3
Ooooh, sooo good!! I won't ever lie to you, this month is a tough one but oh so so so rewarding!!! We get to see all of ourselves for who we currently are and begin to release the old versions of self, heal the wounds we've been living from, re-write our stories and learning how to safely and securely begin to step into this new version of higher self being!
Your Old vs New Ways of Operating
Intuition Activating & Training
Setting Supportive Boundaries
Mindset Re-writing & Beliefs
Finding Safety in Self + Security from Within
How to set Supportive Boundaries
Mindset Re-writing & Beliefs
Navigating the Structure via Flow in Life + Biz
Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine Lessons
Awakening the New You
WEEK 1-2
Starting our time off together by connecting with you, who you are in this present moment is the most crucial part in our Shine Through Journey, with really diving deep into our stories, our wiring, our beliefs, and what we so desire to shine through will all be laid out on the table in our first month together...some of the ways we will do this is by:
Learn Your Attachment Theory Style
Timeline Wiring + Subconscious Work
Realizing False Operating Templates + Stories
Awaken to what no longer serves you
& MORE... Our experience is customized

WEEK 4-5
Integrating ALL the things
Integration & Playing with the new energy!!! Eeeek, this is the most fun stage of our time together!! Month 3 is all about integrating the NEW energy we have been discovering we are so worthy of being and beginning to play with what feels good, what still feels uncomfortable and what is so for us!!! This is my favorite month because as we are in the energy of play and divine feminine receiving we start to embody the essence of who we are truly made to be!!
Supportive Energy Healing Practices
Finding Safety in Self + Security from Within
Navigating the Structure via Flow in Life + Biz
Play + Practice Ways of new
Embodying the Shine Through You!
EMBODYING is one of my absolute most favorite and incredibly rewarding experiences thus far... why you ask? Because the celebrations don't stop!! It is the part of our Shine Through Experience when we are in true and full alignment with our highest version of self, when the world bows at our feet, we magnetize our desires in the fullest, and we are so embodied in the new that we do not recognize or even hold space in the slightest for the old behaviors, habits, and traits we use to carry... it's like poof!
Hello, Gorgeous Soul!
Learning Somatic Healing Practices
Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine Lessons
Leading other from your soul knowing
Manifest + Magnetize Mindset work

$444 USD
$888 USD
** The email you use for your paypal email will be the email you will receive a welcome email to**
Once your first payment is complete you will be receive a personal welcome email from me including a link to schedule our first pre-shine through 1:1 call & directed to our exclusive Facebook group where we will be connecting for the next 4 months together!!
MEET YOUR Shine Through COACH, GUIDE, & HEALER, Avery Lane!
I'm a Taurus Moon & Virgo Rising -- so get ready to be loved and lead like never before! I care deeply about your entire holistic evolution while you're connecting with your true soul's purpose and living in alignment with your higher-self design!
My Degrees + Certifications:
5 + years in a Soul Centered Business Journey
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing & Communications
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
Reiki Master Certified
Certified Life Coach
Certified Energy Healer
Story Telling Brand Certified + Carl Jung Archetype Brand Certified
Graduate of Aquarian Business Academy by Guru Jaget
My street cred:
I've always been an entrepreneur at heart since age 17
Manifesting Generator Human Design Archetype
Produced over 150+ Business Coaching Client Results
Crystallin Attuned to provide Quantum intuitive knowledge
Divine Feminine facilitator with 8 soul-led retreats in the books
Clear Channel for Source + Natural Timeline Seeing Abilities
When I'm Not Working:
You can find me playing in God's beautiful creation! I love everything nature, travel, and adventure related as well as being like a sponge and soaking up so much knowledge to better support my journey on this Earth as well as supporting my soulmate clients in all the ways!!!
celebration wall!!!
past, present, & future celebrations are honored here