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It is my every intention to hold a safe space while discovering your souls truth & mission and align into the greatest version of your life in this moment, with the new ability see life differently, to attract more greatness into the life, love, and experiences you desire without waiting any longer. 🖤

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ARISE into your greatest version of self now, the version in who you are dreaming of becoming through healing the wounds, the shadows, the chaos we face in life.


ARISE has been 100% channeled for those who are ready to take the reigns on their life and get out of the self sabotage patterns, the debilitating fears holding us back from our soul aligned truth and step into the greatest version of our self that is available to us NOW, like literally right now... Through a few tweaks, clearing the lens of life and bringing consciousness to heal some of the patterns we've been living out , the spirals we've allowed our selves to go down.. ultimately leading to unaligned events unfolding in our lives... With the supportive space in ARISE we will finally begin to understand the areas in which we have not been honoring our highest greatest versions of self and how we can begin to align to our truth, our happiness, our greatest version of our current selves along with celebrating all that we are & more!!! Celebrating how our wounds, shadows, and chaos has formed us in the beautiful powerful greatness being now!!

In this amazing 5 week immersive program you will learn how to 

Discover stories, patterns, wounds we've been playing out in life.

❂ Transform your unaligned lower emotions that no longer serve you.

❂ Bring soul truths and desires into awareness

❂ Heal the areas, energies, wounds, patterns, and stories so we can begin to align with our soul truth.

❂ Learn new ways to step into your greatest version of self now









we start

July 27


soul work

week 1: DISCOVER

 stories, patterns, wounds we've been playing out in life.

❂ Your Story & invite all aspects of your being to step forward in their truth.

❂Areas where you have been living in survival mode: fight flight freeze

❂Victim Mentality | Self Sabotaging | Controlling Outcomes| etc.

❂ Trigger Response & Mental Spirals 

❂ Attachment Theory Styles 

❂ Defense Mechanism & Trauma Response

 being to apply healing to the discoveries of week 1

week 2: HEAL

 Heal the areas, energies, wounds, patterns, and stories so we can begin to align with our soul truth.

 Create new stories and patterns in which support our greatest version of self now

 Learn how to find safety and security from within

❂ Set up new supportive guides for conscious intentions

week 3: AWAKEN

  to your truth and the way you are consciously choosing to live now

❂ To your truths and begin to understand what that means to you.

❂The blank canvas, fresh start, the you that gets to exist now

❂Set up guidelines, routines, and boundaries to support this greatest version of self now

❂Get ready for some deep soul celebrations that have been waiting for you to realize your power now

❂ Awaken to intuitive soul knowings and shift through dense energy quicker 

 to your greatest version of self now through new ways

week 4: align

 From the new empowered state of being that is in full alignment with your truth, your soul desires, the vision you have for your reality.

 To create new stories and patterns in which support our greatest version of self now

 Learn how to find safety and security from within with Somatic Healing Practices

❂ Become aware of what aspect is leading your life, what needs attention, who needs healing and how to compass all to becoming the greatest self.

week 5: arise

into your greatest, your greatest vision of self now

❂ Celebrate YOU in your greatest version of self now

Realize and honor your soul truths


❂ Arise into your new story & invite all aspects of your being to step forward in their greatness.

Activate the new ability see life differently, to attract more greatness into the life, love, and experiences you desire without waiting any longer.

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Receive: Group Connection | Weekly Calls | Bonus Meditation| 1:1 inbox access

Choose your investment option below and get immediate access!


As soon as your spot is confirmed you will receive a welcome email which invites you into alll the things!!

YOU ALSO GET lifetime access to all of the content, videos, meditations, workbooks, and membership hub! 

NOTE: Terms are subject to change. The program is non-refundable. If you can no longer attend for any reason, the amount paid and/or outstanding may be applied towards an alternate program or service. Upon payment completion, you have agreed to these terms and conditions.


Q: How long is the program?

A: 5 Weeks

Q: How many other people will I be learning with?

A: 16 Souls total!

Q: How often do we meet?


Q: Is it self directed with a group thing here and there or all in group work? 

A: It is very much involved on whatever level you feel comfortable with!

This is a 5 module intensive transformational program we will be meeting weekly, once a week to really talk about the topic of the week, at that time I will be providing you with worksheets, journal prompts, home work, etc! AND will be checking in 1:1 via voxer communication throughout the week as much or as little as you personally need from me! <3 I pour 100% of my intent, energy, and healing into your personal journey as much as the next. 

Q: What if I am ahead or behind the other members?

A: The way the program is set up there is no such thing as being 'ahead' or 'behind' of any of the other members!  We are all shifting through each stage in our Wounded Goddess in similarly different ways and are not comparing anyone's ARISE experience to one another. 

Q: Can we connect personally before I enter this program?

A: Absoutely!! I would love to connect with you!! Please feel free to shoot me an email at:

and ask any questions you have, if you'd like to set up a zoom meeting let me know, we can do that too!

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