Blueprint Branding with Soul
The Blueprint Branding with Soul is your guide to DIY your soulful branding journey!
I’ve taken allll of my years & knowledge of being an Energy Brand Designer and Strategist and put it into this self study program for those who want to build their champagne brand on a limited budget.
This program is designed for you to easily take control & build your beautiful brand from an experts level!
**YES, your Brand is so much more than just a logo and pretty colors; there are a ton of elements that support it! **
Creating the Soul-led Business of Your Dreams <3
A 3 Month ~ 1:1 Soul-led Business Journey
into discovering your business's soul meaning & aligning with your soulmate clients.
Beginning your journey into learning the soul message of your business, brand, and soul aligned passion is one of the most amazing experiences we go on as soul-centered entrepreneurs.
During our time together you can expect full attention from me, your one-on-one business alignment coach.
As we tap into the discovery of our business meaning, the design of our uniqueness, and the revelation of our vision manifesting into a beautiful soul aligned profiting business.
who This experience is for....
It doesn't matter if you've been in business for years or just starting out - The Visionary Goddess is unique in it's way to be customized per Goddess Journey.
You have a vision of creating a striving business from your passion
You are a Soulful/Soul Centered Entrepreneur!
You have a fiery passion for what you do and are ready to profit from it.
You're looking for direction and strategic value behind your service, products, and offerings.
Wanting/ needing support in aligning your passion with your business meaning.
Looking for making amazing soul connections with someone who is your biggest cheerleaders (that's meee by the way!)
Ready to create a long lasting Business & Brand to expand with your business vision, success, and goals!
Excited to call in your soulmate clients and create an abundance of profit!
The Visionary Goddess
Road Map
Below is the map of our journey together!
Along with your full-attention invested in each week, we will also have a one-on-one bi-weekly check-in call and you will have unlimited voxer access to me - your alignment coach. Remember, your VISIONARY journey is uniquely designed and modified to what you need in your own soul-aligned path... you may need more time, healing, or strategy so I like to allow and hold space for the fluctuation and flow of who you are & what you truly need to succeed. <3
We have the ability to cover allllll of the topics below PLUS anything/everything you are going through and need support in setting up your business, strategizing about your launches, and creating programs + tons of channeled downloads that are unique to you and your business crystal success!
Your mindset is probably the most important and foundational work you will do when it comes to how you think, feel, perceive, and take action in this beautiful business you create!
Foundation Setting
So fun!! We go into the experience of setting up the bridge between vision and manifestation- helping you create the brand mission and message for your business to magnetize your soulmate client!
Connecting all the tools and pieces from the last 2 months and creating the beautiful angelic business.brand.mission.action plan of our business!
Activate Your Business Crystal
We will begin your journey by activating your business crystal in which is a sacred crystalline container to support and amplify your business design!
Focus on aligning your goals with your business to start moving in the direction of accomplishing everything your soul desires for your business.
You are the magnetizing energy and its time to set up the rest of your brand to draw in your soulmate clients just by being you and in your goddess presence.
Dissolving all the blocks holding you back from success and helping you unlock your greatest potential! Replacing those blocks with tools to tapp into your greatest potential.
We will solidify your business motivation and message with confidence, security, and passionate energy vibrating from our soul level. In this step I give you the tools to feel into every action before taking it: activating your intuition!
Here. we . go!
Helping you create a beautiful launch plan or strategy if needed - otherwise watching your already curated vision goddess business continue into fruition! <3

in this mentorship... you get me + all my years of experience in business consulting, planning, strategizing and intuitive guidance!
Soul + Strategy
Intuitive Abilities
$___________ MONTHS
get started in your passion:
Feel into in your soul knowing
Truth is, if you've made it this far... you already know how aligned this experience together is!
Though I don't offer discovery calls for every single inquiry, I do hold space for those who are more than curious and are ready feeling the fire to step into their full soul aligned business as me, Your Visionary Goddess Mentor by your side holding space and leading the way for your success!
Here's the real & raw truths babe, because I feel and respond only in full alignment with my soul I ask you to do the same and don't play into the mysterious slimy sales system of: "let's jump on a sales call so I can sell you"
We can jump in an alignment chat, call or you can just feel it, know it, do it!
You want guidance : I am here for you
You wanna jump in: Let's do it! I am here for you
You want to follow your passion: I am here for you
I don't believe in having to sell you on what I do... you want it?
Great! I will be the most amazing coach mentor you've ever had due to my vast experience and knowledge with intuition on fireeeee! <3
But truth is..you are only as successful as the energy you put into yourself & the support team around you!
Investing in Yourself..
First things first. It isn't me your investing in, it is yourself and what you believe you are capable of achieving & know your worthy of diving into.
I will tell you right off the bat:
Most coaches charge 10 -15k for the same type of package... and you end up getting only minimal results/ & more miss-alignment out of it... I don't believe you have to drown yourself in the false illusions of 15-20k charging & creating debt is the only way to a successful business... never ever.
I don't believe that just because you are starting out you need to drop 20k like its hot without even an ounce of creations or exchange in your business. But most of all I believe everyone deserves to thrive and have a successful soul aligned business, so instead of pushing 80% of my soul-mate clients away because 10k is redonkulous to charge someone just starting out or needing that help and support in deepening their business success.
& So I offer you an even better mentoring experience than you could ever imagine with the aligned investment options!
I know what it's like to start out, be so lost, and then on top of that pile the anxiety of maxing out your credit cards to get support... I've been there and I will not and do not believe you have to struggle the same way I did... I did that for you ;) NOW YOU get to reap the benefits of all the things I've learned from over 12 years of experience in my multi-successful entrepreneurships
i honor you
Supporting you and pouring into you is my highest honor. It is my dream to help each and every single soul who desires to set into their passion achieve that dream, because I know what it's like to stay up late at night feeling the call, the pull, the urge to make something of yourself and to align your soul on fire passion with a profiting successful business.....
You may already be in business and wondering what the heck your "missing", or this thing might be new to you entirely
The thing is, I support all of it!! I hold space for all of it!! & it lights me up to see your energy, your passion, your soul just click into place when you discover what Soul + Strategy does for you and your business!!!
Below you will see the different package options I have to offer you, it is one of my core values to serve in all the areas you are desiring support, guidance, celebration and success in
By choosing one of the options you will be brought to a page where you can then proceed to fill out what it is your soul desires support in, an aligned energetic investment option with generous payment plans available and the magical chance to connect 1:1 before we begin!!
I can't wait to celebrate this amazing step with you into your soul-led business passion!!!
See you inside!! XOXO, Avery Lane!
The Visionary Goddess 1:1 starts out at $3,333 +
View your options below and choose the one that best serves you !
Payment plans available for all options
Awaken Her
Dive into Her
Ascend Her
✘ 3 Months personalized to your journey.
✘ Weekly 60 min 1:1 calls
✘ Accountability & Prompts
✘ Unlimited Communication access
Text, Voxer, FB Messager, etc.
✘ Immediate Access to My Courses
✘ Entire Blueprint Brand with Soul Program + Customize Brand Book
✘ 15% any retreats & events within the calendar year
✘ 3 Months personalized to your journey.
✘ Weekly 60 min 1:1 calls
✘ Accountability & Prompts
✘ Unlimited Communication access
Text, Voxer, FB Messager, etc.
✘ Immediate Access to My Courses
✘ Entire Blueprint Brand with Soul Program + Customize Brand Book
✘ 20% any retreats & events within the calendar year
✘ Complimentary enrollment to any programs launched during our time together
✘ 3 Months personalized to your journey.
✘ Weekly 60 min 1:1 calls
✘ Accountability & Prompts
✘ Unlimited Communication access
Text, Voxer, FB Messager, etc.
✘ Immediate Access to My Courses
✘ Entire Blueprint Brand with Soul Program + Customize Brand Book
✘ Complimentary enrollment to any programs launched during our time together
✘ ACCESS TO ENERGETIC IMPRINTS 1:1 Energy Healing Mentorship
✘ All Incisive Access to attend any retreat within our calendar year.
ENERGETIC investment:
ENERGETIC investment:
ENERGETIC investment:
Celebrating all of the success of those who started their soul aligned business right here in the
Visionary Goddess Business Mentorship!
Q: How long is the program?
A: 3 mo. | 90 days
Q: How often do we meet?
A: Once a week online for 5 weeks!
Q: Can we connect personally before I enter this program?
A: Absoutely!! I would love to connect with you!! Please feel free to shoot me an email at: Hello@averylane.co
and ask any questions you have, if you'd like to set up a zoom meeting let me know, we can do that too!
We will begin by jumping on bi-weekly calls ~ no time limit necessary, we will cover whatever you are currently dealing with and go into your timeline of goals and visions that you would like to accomplish...
At the end of each call there will be assignments/work to do and I will be checking in to keep you accountable.
& in addition... I will be connecting to your energy field so whatever downloads come through I will be relaying them to you in live time via our voxer connection! <3